OVID Manufacturing

About OVID Manufacturing

Our company, OVID Manufacturing PLC is a private limited company under OVID Corporate Group established for the objective of mainly synchronizing the manufacturing industry of construction materials to the construction industry in the country. It is also our goal diligently working on introducing, implementing and popularizing technological construction methods and alternative construction materials that are identified to enhance efficiency of cost, time and quality of the construction products and to help meet also the people’s need as the result.

Our businesses are mainly focused on the delivery, solution and services of various construction materials in the value chain of the construction industry linked to the backward integration. We have been and being also contributed the lion share role in the process of enhancing the so long un-modernized construction trend in the aspect of work methodologies and construction materials to step forward. As a company, we believe that we have contributed significant role in introducing and popularizing new techniques of construction methodologies and alternative constructions materials in the country. Our company has been known by introducing, implementing and popularizing, Ready Mix Concrete, Brick Stone Blocks, Magnesium Bboard, Cement Cellular Board, Light Gauge Steel frame works and others. In addition, our recent introduction of work methodology is known as Kumkang Kind Aluminum Formwork and an advanced construction material associated with this new formwork technology is known as Self-Compacting Concrete (SCC).

As mentioned, our company is mainly focused on the manufacturing of construction materials which are very vital in the value chain of the construction industry particularly in a large scale housing construction development programs. Our company is also equipped with the state of the art of various heavy production plants, equipment and professionals that are fully dedicated for bulk volume of deliveries concrete works. Our goal is also extended to large scale in changing the limited production scale of construction material to scaling up to industrial level.

The following are our recent products and working areas.

- Cement Factory Project
- Production and supply of raw materials (various types aggregates, manufactured sand and silica sand)
-Production and supply of high class ready mix concrete – conventional and exceptional concrete mixes including self-compacting concrete.
- Introduction and Implementation of new kind of Formwork technology (Kumkang Kind Korean Technology)